Amazon Echo



The Amazon Echo is a smart device which utilizes voice and sound to perform a variety of actions. It utilizes the Alexa voice service to carry out it’s smart functions. Not only can it play music, but it’s also compatible with many different apps. More continue to be added, so there is definite support from Amazon. It can be connected to smart home devices like light switches, and other electronics. The Echo serves as a hub for the user to receive information as well as control devices by simply speaking. As of May 5, 2016, there are about 36,000 reviews on the device so there are already many that are utilizing the features of the Echo.



Convenience is the obvious benefit. Users are able to speak to the Echo without having to interact with every separate device. Users can even use the Echo at a distance (even with music playing) so that they don’t need to be near the device to declare a command. The very idea of not needing to interact through touch is very powerful and serve as a natural experience for the user.

I read a review from Amazon which talked about someone with mobility issues and how they use the Echo as an integral part of their life. The user was able to control their home using voice commands. This made their lives much better and reclaimed independence for the user because they didn’t need to ask for assistance from their spouse. This is a great benefit. Those who are bedridden or have issues moving around can really benefit from the Echo (so long as someone sets up smart devices around their home).



Privacy. Those who are really paranoid about their privacy may not find the Echo appealing since it’s always listening for commands. There is a microphone off button which could be used for those who need peace of mind. That button may be used for things like parties where there are many voices being heard at the same time.

Issues with voice and hearing. This applies to those who are mute or have speech deficiency. The Echo loses some customers because of this issue. Those with hearing issues won’t fully benefit because the Echo is able to convey information. Someone with this disability would really only benefit from the smart controls but that feature may already be good enough to buy one.


The Amazon Echo is a very exciting device. It makes a sci-fi dream come to reality especially when the Echo is used with smart home devices. The benefits are very beneficial and Amazon has found a great way to capitalize on the device since it’s very one of a kind. The ongoing support for the device is also a definite added plus because it only adds greater functionality. The Echo provides great convenience because the user just needs to go to one place to control their devices. Using voice as the control adds to the convenience and it feels like another presence is there because it utilizes voice–something that can feel very human compared to the other senses that technology affect. It will be interesting to see what else the Echo can be used for in the future as more apps are developed for it. The technology could be used for gaming to add another dimension to the experience. It could also be integrated into a robot instead of just a speaker so that the robot would be able to carry out more complex functions. Time will tell how far the Echo will grow.

May 5th, 2016
